Review: “Frying” with an Air Fryer
In a quest to eat healthier, I purchased a ChefStyle air fryer from my neighborhood grocer. I bought the largest one since we are a family of four. I prepared three dishes and wanted to share the outcome!
- Fried Fish: We used a special boxed seasoning that was specifically made for air fryers. I hadn’t done my research so I didn’t know if my standard mix would work. Turns out you can. Our fish was tender and crunchy.
- Fried Chicken: Our son uses this mostly for already prepared chicken he simply wants to warm up. I have a few recipes for wings but am hesitant. I’ll explain why further down.
- Fried Okra: This was a disaster and mostly operator error. I made my own batter but cooked too long. They come out hard as bricks. I’ll have to retry!
- French fries: We were really disappointed with how our fries turned out. We used pre-cut frozen fries and the appropriate setting and we didn’t get the crispy fries we’re used too.
Will I Continue to Use?
Yes. But only if I’m cooking for hubby and me. It took a considerable amount of time to cook enough fish for four people. We were standing around the fryer and eating them as soon as they were done. You don’t want to crowd food in your basket otherwise you don’t get the crispiness you’re after. So I wouldn’t use this to cook wings either. I can’t cook in large batches and end up spending more time in the kitchen and that’s not my goal.
I found a bread and banana bread recipe I’m eager to try. I even found a recipe for cinnamon rolls. Not exactly healthy but it’s possible if you’ve got the calories to spend!
Here’s a brief list of Air Fryers Dos and Donts!
Tell me how you’re using your air fryer!